COVID 19 Policy


We have implemented an infectious disease preparedness and response plan to protect our employees and our clients/customers/vendors from COVID-19 following the recommendations and guidance of the CDC, OSHA, HHS and other applicable federal, state and local health authorities. These plans include specific steps to follow if an employee contracts COVID-19 and protocols for isolating employees who become ill at work. If any employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, the company will address and isolate employees working near the infected co-


  • Intensifying cleaning, disinfection (including deep disinfection prior to customers/employees entering the facility)
  • Providing a place and supplies to wash hands and/or providing alcohol-based hand rubs
  • We have implemented physical barriers and/or rearranged workspaces in order to maintain proper physical distancing
  • Limiting facility access to only customers and necessary TRITECH employees, while restricting visitors on the premises
  • Encouraging employees and customers alike to report any safety and health concerns
  • Training staff in COVID-19 related safety actions
  • All employees/customers are encouraged to wear face masks and maintain social distancing of 6 ft.


We have established routine, daily health checks which include temperature checks using “touchless”
thermometers before employees/customers are allowed on the premises at the beginning of each class day. All
employees/customers must not maintain a temperature exceeding 100.4 degrees F or exhibit any visible
symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19.


The following will be assessed daily with all employees and customers, prior to entry:

1. In the past 14 days, have you experienced any of the following symptoms?

    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Muscle or body aches
    • headache
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Fatigue
    • Nausea or vomitting
    • Diarrhea

2. In the past 14 days, have you been in close contact (<6 ft.) with anyone who is experiencing these symptoms?

3. In the past 14 days, have you been in close contact (<6 ft.) with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19?

4. Have you tested positive for Covid-19 or have you been deemed presumptively positive for Covid-19, based on a healthcare provider’s assessment of your symptoms?